Celebrate Christingle at St Mary's Church, in Horncastle

The Christingle.The Christingle.
The Christingle.
Light up your Christmas with Christingle and celebrate half a century of this family service.

That is the message from St Mary’s Church in Horncastle as they invite everyone to share in their Christingle Service, which takes place this Sunday, December 2, at 4pm.

This is a very special year for Christingle as it marks 50 years since the first service was held in this country.

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More importantly, that first service was held in Lincoln Cathedral.

The Christingle service goes back much further than 1968, to the Moravian Church in Germany in 1747.

The Rev Charles Patrick said: “The Christingle is a joyful service for all the family to get you into the Christmas spirit.

“This celebration of God’s love for the world takes place every year to support the work of the Children’s Society in helping disadvantaged children”.

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Before the service takes place however, the Christingles need to be made.

This will be on Saturday December 1 in St Mary’s Church, so go along at 3pm with your children and help in the preparations.

The Rev Patrick said: “The moment in the service when the lights are turned off, the candles are lit and we sing a carol is magical.

“And all it takes is an orange - but what does Christingle mean?

“Please join us for this special 50th anniversary Christingle service and find out.”

To find out more about the work of the Children’s Society visit www.childrenssociety.org.uk