Police investigating car vandalism spree in Metheringham area

Neighbourhood police in the Metheringham area are appealing for witnesses to a night of vandalism where numerous car wing mirrors and windows were smashed and snapped off during Tuesday night (August 28-29).

The trail of damage stretches from Shiregate, to Caroline Road, High Street and Middle Street in the village during the hours of darkness and officers are looking to track down those responsible.

Listing the catalogue of vandalism, PCSO Kat Szaban said a wing mirror was snapped off on Shiregate between 6pm Tuesday and 7.15am Wednesday (Incident 76 of August 29).

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A passenger side rear window was smashed on a vehicle on Caroline Road between 12.30am and 1am on Wednesday (Incident 97 of August 29).

Both wing mirrors were smashed on a vehicle on High Street and one was pulled off between 8.30pm on Tuesday and 9am Wednesday (Incident 108 of August 29).

Two vehicles had wing mirrors snapped off on Middle Street overnight Tuesday/Wednesday (Incidents 126 and 146).

If you have any information, contact police on 101 quoting the above incident numbers or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Chairman of Metheringham Parish Council, Coun Sally Wilson, said they are urging any resident to report any such incidents of vandalism to help police build up a picture and said the council is keen to help and support officers in any way it can.

She said: “We take it very seriously, but thankfully we have had very few problems this summer compared to previous years.”

She said: “This is the first night we have had problems. Apparently it went on until 4am in the morning and there was quite a lot of noise and goings on up at Shiregate that night with six cars damaged that we have heard of.

“We understand it started off in the village at the Metheringham Convenience Store where youths were allegedly throwing some fruit around and then went on to Shiregate.”

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Coun Wilson said in previous years they have had problems with anti-social behaviour in the Princes Street car park with people “roaring up” in cars at 2am but she said this summer had been “surprisingly quiet” until now.

A day nursery in the village has also suffered vandalism to its sign twice in recent weeks.