Skegness Academy closes to some Year 8 students following confirmed Covid-19 case

Some Year 8 students are self-isolating after a confirmed case of Covid-19.Some Year 8 students are self-isolating after a confirmed case of Covid-19.
Some Year 8 students are self-isolating after a confirmed case of Covid-19.
Skegness Academy has announced a 14-day closure to some of its Year 8 students, who have been advised to self-isolate.

In a letter to parents, Principal Todd Johnson wrote: "I am writing to you because we have been informed by Public Health England that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the Academy.

"Using our robust contact tracing processes, we have identified that your child may have been in close contact with the affected person and, in keeping with the latest national guidance and Public Health England advice, must now stay home and self-isolate, as a precautionary measure, until Thursday, October 22, 14 days after contact."

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To ensure as minimal disruption to learning as possible, students lessons are to be streamed live from tomorrow (Tuesday, October 13).

Mr Todd thanked parents for their "anticipated patience" and said: "I am sure you will appreciate that we have to follow certain safety and precautionary measures to keep all pupils safe during this time"’

This closure is believed to only affect a small number of pupils in the Year 8 bubble, and comes as cases rise sharply over recent days across the country. There is only one confirmed case at the school.

Hogsthorpe Primary Academy is also in Lincolnshire County Council's list of schools where there are confirmed cases, but it remains open.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will also be announcing new restrictions later today due to the rise of national infections.