Crunch time for Priory​ team

The Priory Hotel, current home of the Serendipity Foundation.The Priory Hotel, current home of the Serendipity Foundation.
The Priory Hotel, current home of the Serendipity Foundation.
​In just a month’s time, Louth’s community will see the loss of its good ‘neighbours’ unless their prayers for a miracle are answered.

​The Serendipity Initiative and Neighbour’s Kitchen, recently rebranded as the Serendipity Foundation and Daniel’s Kitchen CIC, have operated out of the Priory Hotel and run by Paul Hugill MBE since before the first Covid-19 lockdown, has just 30 days today (Tuesday) to find a new home as their lease has come to an end.

The Priory has offered employment to people who have otherwise been overlooked, including those with learning disabilities, former prisoners, and people with mental health struggles, while Daniel’s Kitchen offers fresh food parcels and aid to those who are struggling to feed their families. But now, as their good work could be at an end in a month’s time, and their staff also out of a job, if the Serendipity Foundation does not find a new premises, and Paul is issuing an urgent appeal to the public for help.

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“We really need people who can help us to find a new premises to come forward,” he said. “But also if anyone could offer any of our staff employment to secure their future, or any assistance at all, we’d be so grateful.

“We aren’t just fighting for the current team, but for all those who will come after them and to whom the Priory represents a supportive workplace where they can find their confidence and learn skills.”

While the team continues to desperately find a new home, the people of Louth are encouraged in the meantime to support the Priory by visiting the business and restaurant.