Church lights up for Down Syndrome Day

From left: Parish of Boston's Sue Watsham with Charlotte Clarkson, Isabella Clarkson and Colin Clarkson and the Parish of Boston's Angie Kisby.From left: Parish of Boston's Sue Watsham with Charlotte Clarkson, Isabella Clarkson and Colin Clarkson and the Parish of Boston's Angie Kisby.
From left: Parish of Boston's Sue Watsham with Charlotte Clarkson, Isabella Clarkson and Colin Clarkson and the Parish of Boston's Angie Kisby.
Boston's iconic church is set to be lit up blue and yellow for a weekend to '˜celebrate the diversity that life with someone with Down syndrome brings'.

St Botolph’s Church will be lit up for the whole weekend from Friday until Monday night in the colours to recognise World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) which takes place on Monday.

WDSD has previously seen iconic buildings such as the Empire State Building and the Dallas Skyline lit up in the two colours.

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The Boston event has been organised by Charlotte Clarkson, whose five-year-old daughter Isabella has Down Syndrome.

Mrs Clarkson has also organised for Isabel’s school, Boston West Academy, to receive copies of a children’s book about the condition called My Friend Has Down Syndrome which will be read out on Monday, and for Isabella to answer questions.

Mrs Clarkson said: “Isabella loves to laugh, she really loves life, loves dancing and she’s a massive Frozen fan.

“She started at Boston West this September in reception and she’s really popular, the kids have accepted her for sho she is.”

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“WDSD is an international recognised day and it’s a celebratory day.

“It’s a day we don’t focus on hardships or challenges but on the diversity that life with someone with Down Syndrome brings us.”

She sadded: “This year it’s really exciting to have the church and school recognise and celebrate this day with us.”

Organisers at the church say that if the lighting – which involves coloured gels being placed on the floodlights –goes well, this could be the first of four times a year that the church might consider lighting the tower up in a charity’s colours.

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Anyone looking for support can get in touch with the Lincolnshire Down’s Syndrome Support Group’s (LDSSG) – a volunteer, parent-led charity which aims to enhance the lives of people with the condition and their families.

For details visit or call 07902 121870.